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Refund Policy

Refund Policy

REFUND POLICY – will NOT refund ANY payment to ANY member for ANY reason whatsoever EXCEPT in the case of error on ’s part.

Please read the full terms for our refund policy below. Agreeing to our terms and conditions when you create an account with means you agree to our refund policy.

REFUNDS are NOT permitted for members have paid in full and then wish to take a discounted offer or promotion instead. You may NOT cancel your membership to buy a cheaper deal, as your IP address is recorded and we reserve the right to ban your account on this basis. Please note that all monthly subscriptions automatically rebill at the end of the initial subscription term – this is shown CLEARLY to you on screen when you create your account.

will not refund any member who has decided that they no longer wish to use . A refund can NOT be given in part or whole for any subscription used or not used by any member for whatever reason. Users who wish to cancel their subscription are not permitted to seek a partial or full refund for any reason. 

If you do not wish to be billed again after your initial purchase, you must CANCEL your membership prior to the scheduled re-bill date. If your membership is not cancelled before then, we reserve the right NOT to refund you on payments made to us due to your mistake. REFUND PAYMENTS - Any refunds issued will be processed and completed within 14 days of initial refund request.

Please pay attention to the following rules which if broken, will result in a PERMANENT BAN from the site WITHOUT A REFUND: